Cards (11)

  • What are the concepts that can explain gender?
  • How do Biases explain gender?
    Biases are errors in processing information - how we process gender
  • What can extreme Biases lead to?
    They can lead to prejudice, discrimination and inequality
  • What are the 3 biases?
    Alpha - Saying men and women identify with one gender (A man is a man)
    Beta - ignoring the differences between genders (Ignores different needs for each gender - everyone is the same)
    Conformation - negative thoughts on gender - notice info that fits in with this view quicker
  • How does priming explain gender?
    Sex roles stereotypes - Thoughts that there is traditional roles and behaviours for men and women - Prime us to believe/expect the gender role behaviours
    Gender roles priming gender behaviour - Shown in media - Women is shown as talking kindly and caring - girl is watching this and it primes her to behave in the same way in a situation
  • What is gender dysphoria?
    Feeling of discomfort between gender identity and sex
  • How do schemas explain gender?
    Gender schemas = Information on genders
    Martin and Halverson - gender schemas effecting memory - Girl thinks nursing is for girls and engineers are for boys - searches info about nurses and fits in with schema - mistakes a boy nurse for a girl - gender inconsistent info confirms schema
  • What is gender schematic?
    Associating characteristics with gender (men are aggressive and women are calm and caring)
  • What is gender a-schematic?
    attach little significant to gender
  • What are the strengths?
    We should be neither just alpha or beta bias = both incomplete explanations - we should consider both - both have some important similarities and differences
    Fowler et al - People asked to write lists of gender typical behaviours - cold pressor test (arms in cold ice water) - men who wrote about women felt less pain - REASEARCH
  • What are the weaknesses?
    Exaggerate cognitive explanation - social context is also important - gender behaviours being rewarded and punished - cognitive approach is not a full explanation