Cards (8)

  • What concepts of the social approach explain gender?
    NSI +ISI
    Gender typicality
    Gender segregation
  • How does conformity explain gender?
    Gender conformity - conforming to the typical roles of genders -pressure from the environment - peers and family - pressure to behaviour in a gender typical way
    Gender Non-conformity - Not conforming to typical gender norms - stress from not conforming as some people don't accept this - negative effects = bullying
  • How does NSI + ISI explain gender?

    NSI - "Boys don't play with dolls" - go along with the behaviour of not playing with dolls if you are a boy as peers are a source of NSI - gender typical behaviours
    ISI - "Boys don't cry" - go along and believe this information because other do too - Peers are a source of gender typical information - source of ISI
  • What is gender typicality?
    To what extent do you fit into your gender group - judge your qualities to see if you fir in with the group
  • What is gender segregation?
    By age 3 you can state what gender you are. By primary school you don't really play with the opposite gender
  • What are the strengths
    Real world applications - industrialised cultures have more women in active work place - breaking stereotypes
  • What are the weaknesses
    Doesn't explain gender non-conformity - NSI supports gender conformity - powerful influence - hard to explain with social approach other approaches may be better
    Not full explanation on the influence - gender norms/peers can influence gender attitudes but not identity
  • Evidence of culture explaining gender?
    5 million ish people in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh live as trans gender