Cards (6)

  • What concepts explain aggression?
    Schemas and scrips
    HAB - Hostile Attribution Bias
  • How does priming explain aggressive behaviour?
    See aggressive prime - TV or environment
    Later see something linked to the prime
    Behave aggressively
  • How do scripts and schemas explain aggression?
    They are formed from spending time in an aggressive environment - this causes us to create a schema about that place
    cue linked to aggression activates schema
    Causes us to act aggressive
  • How does HAB explain aggression?
    HAB - thinking someone's behaviour is aggressive when its neutral
    Someone may accidentally bump into you and you think its deliberate so you act aggressively
  • What are the strengths?
    Research evidence - Men listen to music with derogatory lyrics towards women were more aggressive towards women
    Reduce aggression - prisoners change HAB to neutral so they don't think someone's behaviour is always aggressive
  • What are the weaknesses?
    not a direct link - aggressive schemas maybe created through being aggressive first not experiencing an aggressive environment