
Cards (8)

  • Sloth adaptations
    1. They have hollows in the strands of fur, allowing algae to grow there and the green colour provides camouflage against predators, the grey and brown fur provides camouflage against the trunks.
    2. They are nocturnal to avoid day predators
    3. Prolonged metabolism to avoid having to descend the tress for food
    4. sharp claws help them hang from the trees
  • Anteater adaptations
    1. They have long sharp claws to easily break down termite nests and ant hills
    2. they have thick fur to protect their body heat as their food isn't very nutritious and allows them to conserve energy
    3. long tongue to easily access the ants and termites
  • Harpy eagle adaptations

    1. 5 inch talons to hold prey securely and to have a good perch tether
    2. good eyesight to spot their prey from a way up in the air
    3. small wing to body mass ratio allowing themto make sharp turns between the trees
  • Buttress roots
    support the tall trees by having a wide shallow base, allowing for quick absorption of the nutrients to promote quicker growth.
  • Tree Bark
    Thin and smooth tree bark, no need to protect from the cold and the smoothness leaves less spaces for epiphytes to grow from and cause the tree to topple over
  • Drip tips
    pointed tips on the leaves allow the water to run off with ease, without buckling under the weight of the water. with no standing water it makes it more difficult for bacteria and fungi to grow on the leaves.
  • Lianas
    these vines grow around trees which support them so they can reach the sunlight
  • Epiphytes
    these plants grow on the surface of another plant for support and absorb water and nutrients from the air around them and debris that collects near them.