Cards (7)

  • What key concepts explain aggression?
    conformity and norms
    media influences
  • How does conformity and norms explain aggression?
    Conforming to cultural and gender norms
    Gender - men can use aggression to gain power, money and social status and women have to be kind and caring
    Cultural - Americas southern culture of honour - condone aggressive behaviour in response to a threat
  • How do stereotypes explain aggression?
    Gender - men are more aggressive than women - accept their aggressive behaviour
    Ethnic - black men are seen as more aggressive - create racism and discrimination
  • How do institutions explain aggression?
    Staff - inconsistent discipline - causes rebellions and aggressive behaviour
    Prisoners and gangs - leaders in gangs use aggression to control others in the prisons
  • How does the media explain aggression?
    Role models - watching tv and observing aggressive behaviour
    desensatation = becoming more used to physiological arousal linked to aggression - become more aggressive
    Disinhabilitation - lack of restraints when trying to accept aggressive behaviour
  • Strengths
    Reduce criminal aggression in prisons - constant discipline - creates communication - reduces aggression
    TV - Research support - people watch movies where aggression is accepted - later on in an experiment they give someone more shocks as they have seen aggression as socially acceptable
  • Weaknesses
    Social approach is not a best explanation - biological maybe better due to testosterones link to aggression - only a partial explanation