Study Question Four

Cards (3)

  • Q4. How are blood types determined? How do the terms antigen and antibody relate to blood typing?
  • How are blood types determined? How do the terms antigen and antibody relate to blood typing?
    Blood types are determined by the presence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The two main systems for blood typing are the ABO system and the Rh system. In the ABO system, there are A antigens or B antigens, and a person's blood type depends if they have one, two, or none of these antigens. The Rh systems determines if the blood type has the Rh antigen so Rh positive or doesn't have the antigen so Rh negative.
  • How are blood types determined? How do the terms antigen and antibody relate to blood typing?

    Antigens are proteins on the surface of red blood cells that determine a person's blood type. Antibodies are proteins in the blood that attack foreign antigens. So when blood is transfused, matching antigens and antibodies are important in order to prevent the body from attacking new blood.