St aidens

Cards (28)

  • Where is St Aiden located?
    Near the Eastern outskirts of Leeds
  • What was St Aiden originally used for?
    It was a massive opencast coal mine
  • What type of machinery is preserved at St Aiden?
    A walking drag line known as Oddball
  • Why is Oddball preserved at St Aiden?
    To recognize the achievements of mine workers
  • Where was Oddball built?
    Milwaukee in the USA
  • When was Oddball transported to St Aiden?
    In the 1970s
  • What is St Aiden now home to?
    A fantastic range of bird species
  • What significant event occurred in March 1988 at St Aiden?
    A massive accident involving flooding
  • What caused the flooding at St Aiden?
    A breach in the bank of the river air
  • How deep was the breach in the bank of the river air?
    100 m
  • How much water poured into the workings due to the flooding?
    70 m down into the workings
  • What was created as a result of the flooding?
    A 70 m deep, 80 hectare lake
  • How many tons of coal were covered by the lake?
    2 million tons of coal
  • What was the maximum depth of the lake created?
    70 m
  • How much water did the lake contain?
    4 billion gallons of water
  • What caused the rock to slip leading to the flooding?
    A geological disturbance or earth fractures
  • What happened to opencast operations at St Aiden after the flooding?
    They were suspended for many years
  • What was created after the civil engineering project at St Aiden?
    A new river channel around the lake
  • How large is the informal country park and nature reserve created at St Aiden?
    400 hectares
  • What is monitored at St Aiden now?
    The water level and quality
  • How much flood water can St Aiden currently store?
    7.5 million cubic meters
  • How much can St Aiden reduce the downstream flood peak?
    By 400 millimeters
  • What are some environmental impacts of industrial operations like mining?
    Air, water, and noise pollution
  • What happens to waste products from industrial processes?
    They are often disposed of in landfill
  • What is a concern regarding the transport of raw materials?
    It increases levels of air pollution
  • What is the current status of St Aiden?
    It is a place for recreation and flood management
  • What will the next video discuss?
    How modern industry can become sustainable
  • What type of videos can be found on the channel?
    Geography-related videos about the economic world