Theory: social exchange

Cards (4)

  • Social exchange theory-
    Thibault + Kelley - 1959
    • Economic theory - compared to business affairs
    • People only stay in a relationship if its profitable - looking for maximum rewards with minimal costs + can be influenced by operant conditioning + past relationships
    • Can’t explain abusive relationships
    • Blau = relationships are expensive + take away resources forever
  • Social exchange theory-
    • comparison levels = CL
    • the amount of reward you believe you deserve
    • influenced by past relationships (IWMM), parents, media, self-view
    • Comparison level for alternate = CLALT
    • attractiveness of others outside of your relationship
    • occurs when arguing, hatred, lowered rewards
  • Social exchange theory-
    Stages of relationship development = Duck 1994
    • sampling - experimenting rewards + costs in personal relationships trough observations
    • bargaining - start of the relationship + partners exchange rewards + costs to see if its profitable
    • commitment - predictable and stable rewards + costs where rewards increase and costs decrease
    • institutionalisation - settled partners with solid rewards and costs
  • Social exchange theory-
    S- kurdek - all couples that are most satisfied had most profit
    S- individual differences - shows how costs and rewards being perceived differently
    W- subjective categories cant be measured
    W- Argyle - pros and cons listed after being unhappy = shows correlation not causation
    W- limited application - abusive relationships
    W- simplistic model - humans aren't as rational as they think with their hearts not heads most of the time