Theory: equity

Cards (6)

  • Equity theory-
    • Based on fairness and economics - both partners have equal costs and rewards = profit balance
    • Not looking at what’s deserved just wast fair dependent on each individual
    • Ratio of the reward = proportionate
  • Equity theory-
    Benefits -
    • higher satisfaction
    • reduced affairs
    • likely to last longer
  • Equity theory-
    Lack of equity-
    • Someone under benefits while the other over benefits
    • Likely to be more dissatisfied — under benefited
    • More likely to split and affairs
  • Equity theory-
    Under benefited = anger, annoyed, worried
    Over benefited = guilt, shame, unconscious activities activities
    Dealing = divorce, emotionally removed, delusions, therapy, conversations
  • Equity theory-
    CPS- Utne = 118 married couples, finding that those with higher equity were the most satisfied
    CPS- Strafford + Canary = 200 married couples, found higher equity were most satisfied
    CPW- self-report = lacks internal validity due to the possibility of social desirability
  • Equity theory-
    W- culture relativism = US is individualist and most satisfied with equity, while Jamaica Is collectivist and most satisfied when over benefiting
    W- reductionist = equity can still be dissatisfactory as people desire self-disclosure too
    W- Huseman = people wanted to be over/under benefiting to be satisfied