Parasocial relationship

Cards (6)

  • Parasocial relationship-
    • One sided
    • One person with extended emotional energy, interests and time towards the other
    • Other party unknowing of the persons existence
  • Parasocial relationship-
    Celebrity attitude scale of measurement
    • proposed by McCutcheon
    • investigated by Maltby = generated 3 levels to Parasocial relationships based on the scale
    • entertainment-social = least intense - viewed as gossip/entertainment - public
    • intense-personal = intermediate level - more involvement + possible compulsive thoughts - obsession starts - private
    • borderline pathological = strongest level - uncontrolled fantasies + extreme behaviour - empathy or over-identification (stalking)
  • Parasocial relationship-
    Absorption-addiction model
    • Parasocial relationship generated from personal inadequates — low self-esteem/confidence + weak identity
    • ‘escaping from reality’
    • absorption = fully pre-occupied with the celebs life - allows a new identity to be created
    • addiction = more involvement develops overtime - becomes all consuming
  • Parasocial relationship-
    Attatchment theory explanation-
    • Bowlbys IWM
    • Ainsowrths attatchment types
    • fans want PROXIMITY — SM following + concerts
    • celebs wont reject fans creating a SECURE BASE - swifties
    • individuals have SEPARATION ANXIETY - freaking out over a stop in music released
    • IR = unfulfilled needs from PCG = more likely to develop a Parasocial relationship
    • S = least likely due to having all needs met
    • IA = avoids all relationships due to not wanting pain/rejection
  • Parasocial relationship-
    CPS- Dinkha = compared individualist and collectivist cultures finding that both insecurely attached were more likely to form Parasocial relationships
    CPW- McCutcheon = 299 Americans - attatchemnt security doesn’t impact Parasocial relationship developments
  • Parasocial relationships
    S- McCutcheon = Celebrity Attitude Scale measures intimacy issues - borderline pathological + intense-personal had anxiety
    S- Maltby = 14-16 aged boys + girls - girls admire other females with desirable bodies, which can cause eating disorders forming intense-personal relationships
    W- Absorption addiction model is only descriptive with no relation to causation or correlation