culture bias: when studies do not account for non-weird samples
ethnocentric: the belief in superiority of one'sown cultural group. Our own perspective is taken as a standard by which we measure other cultures
culture: the beliefs and customs that a group of people share - child-rearing practices
cultural relativism: where behaviour cannot be judged properly unless it is viewed in the context of what it originates in
imposed etic: where you wrongfully assume that behaviour is universal
emic: specific to culture
etic: universal
Takano and Osaka: found that 14/15 studied that compared between the USA and Japan's found that there was no evidence of individualism, collectivist (focus on the needs of the group) cultures are becoming more similar due to globalisation
historically, research has been bias within psychology, shown in Asch, Zimbardo. Means there is limited information on social influence as its relative to western culture and shouldn't inform us about universal behavior
led to prejudice and negative stereotypes. IQ tests on african amercians suggested that they were mentally unfit and feeble minded.
gender bias: treat one individual or group differently, proving research which doesn't represent both experiences
alpha bias: exaggerated differences between sexes, likely to devalue females in relation to males
Sheridan and King; obedience with dogs, females were less likely to shock dogs whereas the males were more likely
freud; psychological stages, females have a week superego and are more deviant
beta bias: ignores and minimises the differences between sexes, when a gender is not included in the research and so it is presumed that it applies to both sexes
zimbardo and asch; represented only males in their experiments but concluded with both
androcentrism: consequence of beta bias, when male behaviour is viewed as the norm and females is abnormal
avoid and overcome gender bias:
draw conclusions in relation to genders used in study
include male and female researchers/participants
be reflexive - reflect and avoid own bias
don't exaggerate findings
Maccoby and Jacklin (1974): found that there were gender differences that were hardwired into brains before birth
girls = verbal ability
boys = spatial awareness
evaluation of gender bias:
historical sexism and bias in research studies - socially sensitive
men have been presumed the role in society as being 'better than females'
murphy (2014) psychology is participated by females and taught by male lecturers - males more likely to study female behavior