
Cards (40)

  • What is alluvial material?
    Material brought by river
  • What is an alluvial terrace or bar?
    Central high area of doab with mature soil
  • How high is an alluvial terrace typically?
    10 to 15 meters high
  • What separates an alluvial terrace from the old flood plain?
    A slope called scarp or bluff
  • Where are alluvial fans found?
    Along foot of Kirthar Mountains in Sindh
  • What causes hill torrents during the rainy season?
    Sudden flow of water bringing silt and sand
  • How do alluvial fans form?
    Material is deposited as torrents slow down
  • What shape do alluvial fans resemble?
    Chinese fan
  • What is an alluvial cone?
    An alluvial fan with steep slope
  • What is a basin?
    Natural or artificial depression in land
  • What is a braided channel?
    A stream split into two or more channels
  • What is a boulder?
    Large, detached, rounded mass of rock
  • What is a catchment area?
    Total area drained by a river and tributaries
  • What does doab refer to?
    Land between two adjacent rivers
  • What is drainage?
    Natural runoff of water by streams
  • What is a delta?
    Mouth of the river with distributaries
  • What is a glacier?
    A large mass of consolidated snow
  • What does gradient refer to?
  • What is a gully?
    A narrow channel formed by water
  • How is a gorge defined?
    A steep-sided narrow river valley
  • What is a hamun?
    A shallow salt lake in Balochistan
  • What are levees?
    Naturally built river banks from silt
  • What does the term meander refer to?
    Curves in a river's natural path
  • What is a mangrove swamp?
    Trees grown in tidal mud in a delta
  • What is an oxbow lake?
    A small lake formed by a meander's separation
  • How is a plateau defined?
    A highland area at the same elevation
  • What is a pass?
    A route over or through a mountain
  • What is a ravine?
    A small, narrow valley with steep sides
  • What does rugged mean?
    Uneven, rough, and irregular surface
  • What is relief in geography?
    The degree of unevenness of landform
  • What is a river bed?
    The channel where a river flows
  • What is a river basin?
    All area drained by a river
  • What does runoff refer to?
    Water flowing from a drained area
  • What is silt?
    Fine particles larger than clay
  • What is shale?
    A fine-grained sedimentary rock
  • What is a swamp?
    Wet and spongy land saturated with water
  • What does terrain refer to?
    An area of land's physical characteristics
  • What is a tributary?
    A stream flowing into a larger river
  • What is a tidal flat?
    An area uncovered at low tide
  • What does undulating mean?
    A wavy form of land