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  • Graphs suggesting sequence of change in relationships between birth and death rates over a period of time.
  • Stage 1
    ✓ This indicates high birth rate (moderately stable) while the death rate is also high but with many fluctuations due to sporadic outbreak of diseases, famine etc.
    ✓ There is little natural increase in the population of Pakistan.
    Stage 2
    ✓ This indicates the fall of the death rate but the birth rate remains more or less at previous levels.
    ✓ The gap between the two rates widens so as a result the rate of natural increase of population peaks to its maximum.
    ✓ The percentage of the population under 15 increases.
  • Stage 3
    ✓ This indicates a fall in the birth rate and the stabilization of the death rate.
    ✓ The growth of a city’s population slows down and the life expectancy also increases.
    Stage 4
    ✓ Both birth rates and death rates are low with the birth rate fluctuating somewhat due to changes in the economy yet the death rates remains stable.
    ✓ Population growth is slow and at the end of the stage four, the death rates rise slightly as more people become old and are more prone to die
    Stage 5
    The birth rate falls below the death rate resulting in a natural decrease in population.