
Cards (10)

  • what is half-life ?
    the interval of time required for one-half of the atomic nuclei of a radioactive sample to decay
  • what is half-life?
    the time taken for half the radionuclides to decay, this is the same as the time taken for the activity to fall to half the initial value.
  • what affects half life?

    the isotope
    independent of temperature
    independent of pressure
    independent of chemical composition/reaction
  • calculations using half-life
    no. of half lives = original activity / current activity
    number of half lives = original mass / current mass
    time taken = number of half lives x time for half life
    net decline = fraction that has decayed
    1/2n (n=number of half lives)
  • how does c-14 work in living things?
    c-14 beta decays in living things, its half life is 5730 years
    when dead, c-14 production ceases
    with time, activity due to c-14 reduces
    therefore time since death can be calculated
    c-14 to c-12 ratio is a long term constant
    c-14 is produces in the atmosphere.
  • isotopes and their half-lives 

    pa-235, beta, 70seconds
    pu-239, alpha, 24000 years
    ra-226, gamma, 1600 years
    sr-90, beta, 29 years
  • radioactive decay is entirely random and can be measured with a geiger-muller tube
  • a short half-life means that radioactive activity falls quickly because the nuclei are very unstable and rapidly decay. these are dangerous because they emit a high amount of radiation at the beginning but they quickly become safe.
  • a long half-life means that radioactivity falls slowly because the nuclei take longer to decay. this can be dangerous for nearby areas that are exposed to radiation for millions of years.
  • to calculate half-life, divide the initial activity by two