radioactive contamination

Cards (6)

  • what is contamination?
    Contamination: presence of unwanted substances on a surface or in a material.
  • what is irradiation?
    Irradiation: exposure to radiation, which can kill or inactivate microorganisms.
  • how do you protect yourself from irradiation?
    keeping the sample in a lead box
  • what is ionisation?

    the radiation from a radioactive substance can knock electrons out of atoms. the atoms become charged when they lose electrons, this is ionisation.
  • why is alpha radiation's contamination more important than irradiation?
    contamination is more concerning as alpha is unable to pass through even a sheet of paper due to their large mass, let alone human skin. also, if swallowed due to contamination, it would be damaging as it could not get out. a way to prevent this is by wearing gloves when handling samples.
  • what is contamination?

    the presence of radioactive material on surfaces, objects or in the environment that can cause harm to living beings and the environment