article 2: the new german state is composed of states currently part of Germany, whilst other states have the right to self-determination. this showed that the idea of Germany expanding had been considered from early on
article 25: president can close riechstag without a limit on reasons, but he cannot use the same reason more than once. new elections would take place 60 days after dissolution. this means the president had more executive power and the riechstag was vulnerable
article 45: The president responsible for foreign affairs and is head of state. but war needs the approval of Reichstag, and so does the ratification of treaties. the authority of the president was limited
article 47: President has complete power over the armed forces
article 48: the president has the power to suspend the constitution if there is a risk to public order. however, a reichstag majority can vote against this.
Article 33: the Reichstag can demand the chancellor or MPs to answer questions, and the chancellor can address the Reichstag, meaning the government could be held accountable.
article 43: the president holds office for 7 years and can only be removed by a national plebiscite which requires 2/3 of the Reichstag to be in agreement to be approved
article 53: the chancellor is appointed and can only be dismissed by the president
article 54: if the Reichstag agrees a vote of no confidence, the chancellor must resign
the new constitution gave:
freedom of opinion
freedom of domesticmovement
toleration of all faiths (no state church)
equal political rights for men and women
abolished noble titles
the german political system relied on proportionalrepresentation, and Germany was divided into 35 equal electoral districts