Crime Prevention

Cards (7)

  • main focus on control, containment and punishment to deter crime
  • target hardening: greater use of prison and ensuring punishments follow soon after an offense to maximise their deterrence
  • Wilson and Kelling 1982: Broken window theory-
    essential to maintain an orderly character of a neighbourhood to prevent crime taking
  • Young 2011: zero tolerence policing in New York a 'success', peddled by politicians and police to take the credit for falling crime
  • Crime rate in New York already been failing 9 years before zero tolerence and also falling in other US cities that weren't using zero tolerence
  • Young 2011: New York's shortage of serious crime led police to 'define deviance up' and arrested people for minor deviant acts
  • Criticisms of Zero Tolerence:
    1. preoccupied with petty street crime and ignores corporate crime
    2. gave police free rein to discriminate
    3. led to displacement of crime to other areas