Late Modernity

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  • Young 2002: now living in late modern society where instability, insecurity and exclusion make crime worse
  • Young 2002: Today's society since the 1970s is late mdoern in contrast to the 'golden age' of capitalism in the 50's and 60's
  • de-industrialisation combined with the loss of unskilled hobs have increased unemployment causing a destabilised family and community
  • spread of free market values have encouraged individualism and have increased sense of relative deprivation
  • Young 2002: growing contrast between cultural inclusion and economic exclusion
  • Relative Deprivation Young 2002:
    1. media saturated society promotes inclusion
    2. greater emphasis on living the 'good life' with leisure and consumerism
    3. rising belief in meritocracy
    4. poor denied opportunities to gain the 'glittering prizes of a wealthy society'
  • Relative Deprivation has become generalised
  • 'Relative Deprivation Downwards' - middle class have to be hardworking where the underclass are hedonistic and idle
  • Relative Deprivation has casued more working class crime and an increase in hate crimes
  • Less public consensus on what is right and wrong with informal social control losing power
  • Late modern society is a high-crime society with a low tolerence for crime
  • Young 2011: a second aetiological crisis as the crime rate has fallen since the 90s however crime as a social construction is still seen as a problem with Crime Survey England and Wales 2019 found that 81% believed crime had risen not fallen in the last ten years