idiographic v nomothetic approach

    Cards (7)

    • idiographic approach:
      • single case + describes nature of individuals no comparison to groups
      • studied as unique entities, own subjective experiences
      • case studies + unstructured interviews
    • examples of idiographic approach:
      • humanistic approach - documents experiences of self + unique experiences
      • psychodynamic approach - case study method, Freud believed he could universally apply laws of development
    • nomothetic approach:
      • general laws of behaviour + studies groups to find similarities - creates norm people are compared to + measured
      • associated with scientific methods e.g standardisation, stat tests
    • examples of nomothetic approach:
      • slt - large samples, lab experiment
      • cognitive - coding, capacity, duration + brain scans
      • behavioural - pavlov, skinner applied to everyone
      • biological - brain scans, concordance rates
    • EVALUATION: focus on individual
      • too much emphasis on measurement + lost sight of being human
      • Allport - knowing someone can predict what theyll do in situation, 1% lifetime risk of schizophrenia tells us little about experience
      • focus more on individual level + complete understanding
    • EVALUATION: scientific basis
      • predictions useful - drug therapy, bio psychologists take in approach, ssris leads to therapy, better the lives of people
      • not impossible from idiographic, but takes time for personal therapies
      • make predictions about most likely therapeutic solutions
    • EVALUATION: complementary rather than contradictory
      • bem's androgyny scale attempted to establish laws of atypical behaviour e.g David Reimer
      • individuals lead to greater research e.g amnesia HM/Wearing and memory
      • complementary more in line with psych goals
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