Artificial Contraception

Cards (7)

  • Artificial contraception means using something man-made to stop yourself from getting pregnant. This could be a condom, the pill or a device like the coil.
  • The Rhythm Method means using the natural cycle of fertility which women go through to predict when a woman would be least fertile. It is much less effective than artificial contraception.
  • God tells Adam and Eve (the first couple) to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis) which encourages them to have children.
  • Against: The Catholic Church argues that all sexual acts inside marriage must be open to procreation (having babies) and that a baby is a gift from God.
  • For: The Church of England argues that contraception should be allowed so that couples can take time and consider if they want to have children.
  • "Married couples shouldn't use contraception"
    A: All denominations permit birth control
    F: Some (eg Roman Catholic) do not permit artificial forms of contraception as it is against natural law
    F: ‘Every sexual act should have the possibility of creating new life.’ (Bible)
    A: For other denominations it is a matter of individual conscience
    F: Some Christians have reservations about the morning after pill considering it to be abortion rather than contraception
  • "Married couples shouldn't use contraception"
    A: Contraception is welcomed but should not be used to prevent having children altogether
    A: Artificial contraception accepted if the woman’s health is at risk / to space out pregnancies / to avoid serious financial difficulty -Qur’an ‘God wishes to lighten your burden; man was created weak’ is used by some scholars to support family planning
    F: ‘Do not kill your children for fear of poverty, we shall provide for them and you, killing them is a great sin’ (Qur’an).