wrong ppl inheritance

Cards (7)

  • why did the scientist add kanamycin(antibiotic) to the agar jelly
    kills any cells not have kangene. only cells with kangene survive
  • why are scientists concerned that gene for kanamycin resistance has been put into maize
    some of maize survive not killed by kanamycin because resistant. gene could be passed to pathogenic bacteria
  • why could sexual reproduction produce a new variety of onion
    meiosis produce non identical daughter cells. involve mixing genetic information. fusion of gametes
  • how can gene be transferred to plants
    gene cut out. gene spliced into plant chromosome. gene added at early stage of development
  • why did larger number of plants help investigation
    able see if trend continue. more representative
  • when Mendel published his work on genetic why did other scientists not accept his work
    no other scientist had similar ideas. not know about chromosomes
  • what is an advantage of growing herbicide resistant crops

    only weeds killed