Nuclear war and weapons of mass destruction

Cards (10)

  • Reasons for nuclear weaponry:
    1. They prevent world wars from occuring (MAD)
    2. They have lead to peace in Europe since WW2
    3. They aren't an issue alone, it's how people choose to use them.
  • Reasons against Nuclear Weaponry:
    1. One of the 10 Commandments is "Do not Murder"
    2. Only God has the authority to end life.
    3. "Any use of nuclear weapons would violate the sanctity of life" - Steve Hucklesby
    4. Muslims believe they have a duty to work for peace
    5. "Do not take life which God made sacred" - Qur'an
  • Nuclear weapons work by a nuclear reaction and devastate huge areas and kill large numbers of people. They are a type of WMD (weapons of mass destruction).
  • WMDs can also include chemical and biological weapons. All these weapons are not allowed under the Christian Just War Theory and would therefore be rejected by most Christians.
  • Nuclear weapons were used at the end of WWII in Japan to force the Japanese to surrender. Some people say their use was justified as it prevented more suffering even though 140,000 people died.
  • Although some Christians justify war with ‘an eye for an eye’, this cannot be used to justify the use of weapons of mass destruction as they are not a proportionate response.
  • Chemical weapons: Lethal chemicals that, when release cause many deaths. In 1993, the Chemical Weapons Convention made the production, stockpiling and use of these weapons illegal worldwide. Since then, they are believed to be used in countries such as Iraq and Syria.
  • Biological Weapons: Introduce harmful bacteria and viruses into the atmosphere. When they enter food chains or water supplies, they cause death and illness on a massive scale.
  • For Nuclear War:
    Bible: "But if there is serious injury, you are to take an eye for an eye."
    Qur'an: "If you have been attacked, it's okay to fight back, as you're acting in self defense."
  • Against WMD:
    Accidents (Chernobyl)
    Costs lots of money.
    Bible - 10 Commandments: "Do not murder"
    Qur'an - "Do not take life which God made sacred"
    Ghandi (Hindu) - "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".