it is a professional contact made by the nurse to or in behalf of a patient or in a family to further a special activity of the agency
delivery of a specialized nursing care
is a tool for monitoring and is a graphic record of vital observations for maternal and fetal wellbeing during the active phase of labor
developed on Africa and recommended by WHO
Purpose of Partograph
Prevent and manage prolonged or obstructed labor
Prevent serious complications such as ruptured uterus, still birth
Monitor the vital signs of the client
Meconium stained
Perineal Care
thorough cleansing of the perineum
performed during a bath
performed after and before a procedure
to remove perineal secretions and odors
prevent breakdowns of the perineum area, itching, burning and odor secretions
promote client comfort and good hygiene
Assessment for perineal care
B- Blood
O- Odor
P- Pus
I- Inflammation
E- Excoriation
S- Swelling
Post partum Assessment
R- redness
E- Edema
E- Ecchymosis
D- Discharge
A - Approximation
Diamond Shaped Draping
for perineal care
Dorsal Recumbent
female position
Frog like position
male position
Vaginal Douching
"douche"- french word means soak or wash
help in any foul odor present
Perilight Therapy
application of warmth or radiant heat to the client’s perineum.
60 watts- normal
100-150 watts- infrared
Contraindications of perilight
CS delivery
Active bleeding
5 D's Perilight
Doctors order
Dorsal Recumbent position
Distance: 18-24 inches
Duration: 5-15minutes
Indications of perilight
24 hrs after NSD
Post perineal surgery
Essential Intrapartal Newborn Care
Evidence-based standards for safe, quality care of birthing mothers and their newborns within 48 hours of the intrapartum period and a week of life for the newborn.
Unang Yakap (EINC)
Administrative Order 2009 – 0025–December 2009
4 core steps of EINC
Immediate and Thorough drying
Early skin to skin contact
Properly timed cord clamping
Non separation of newborn from the mother for early breastfeeding
APGAR Scoring
Anthropometric Measurement
Head- 33-35cm
Chest- 31-33cm
Abdomen- 31-33cm
Length- 47-54cm
Weight- 2.5-4kgs
Crede's prophylaxis (ERYTHROMYCIN OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT and TERRAMYCIN) to avoid ophthalmia neonatorum
BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerine)- 0.05 deltoid, to prevent TB
Hepa B, .5ml IM, Vastus lateralis
Vitamin K- promote blood clotting
Pre Term- 0.05 CC
Full Term- 0.1 CC
Post Term- 0.1 CC
Preliminary Signs of Labor
Sudden Weight Loss
Increase Activity Level
Braxton Hicks Contraction
Ripening of the cervix
Show/ Blood Show
Rupture of Membrane
True Labor
pain intensified by walking
pain begins in lower back to abdomen
effacement and dilatation
False Labor
Braxton Hicks
Pain relieved by walking
Confined by abdomen
No cervical changes
Duration of Labor
Primipara- 14 hrs but not more than 20 hrs
Multipara- 8 hrs but not more than 14 hrs
5 P's of Labor
Placental Factor
4 stages of Labor
Dilatation stage
Expulsion Stage
Placental Stage
Recovery Stage
most common and favorable position
most common malposition and most painful as well
Mechanism of Labor
Internal Rotation
External Rotation
Public Health Bag
An essential and indispensable equipment of the public health nurse which he/she has to carry along when he/she goes out of home visit
Bag Technique
A tool making use of a public health bag through which the nurse bring during a home visit.
Minimize or prevent the spread of any infection
Benedicts Test
simple and effective method of ascertaining the presence or the amount of glucose in the urine
Acetic Acid Test
A test that detects the presence of albumin/proteins in the urine