means the giving of tissue/ organ/ body by a person to another person to an institution
the given who may be a cadaver or a living person
a person who exchange their organ for money
the receiver of the organ given by the donor or institution; a recipient who pay the organ is a buyer
Organ Transplantation
means the transfer of the planting across of organ from donor/ vendor to recipient/ buyer
planting of an organ from animal organ to human beings
is the transplantation of the organ from one body to another body of the same species
means an action/omission which of itself or by intention causes death in order that suffering may be eliminated. It procures/ imposes death before one's time
Types of Euthanasia
Voluntary Euthanasia
Non Voluntary Euthanasia
Involuntary Euthanasia
is the delaying or postponing death beyond its natural time by all means available
Also known as bad death or prolonged dying
Extending the life of a terminally ill
also known as passive euthanasia or natural death is a ethical concept and medical practice that involves allowing a terminally ill or suffering patient to die naturally, without aggressive medical interventions or life-sustaining treatement