Organ Trade and Assisted Death

Cards (28)

  • What has led to a black market for organ selling?
    Increasing demand for organs for transplantation
  • Why is organ selling widely condemned?
    It is for profit without ethical considerations
  • What are the ethical issues related to organ selling?
    • Exploitation of the Vulnerable
    • Commodification of the Human Body
    • Unfair Access and Distribution
    • Erosion of Altruism
  • In which regions is organ selling particularly concerning?
    Developing countries with poverty
  • How does organ selling exploit vulnerable individuals?
    They may be coerced into selling for money
  • What does commodification of the human body imply?
    It reduces organs to mere commodities
  • What is a likely consequence of a market for organs?
    Prioritization of wealthy individuals for organs
  • How could financial incentives affect organ donation?
    They could undermine altruistic motives
  • What do sources advocate for to address organ selling?
    Addressing poverty and promoting ethical practices
  • What is euthanasia defined as?
    Intentionally causing death to alleviate suffering
  • What perspective do sources take on euthanasia?
    Emphasizing the sanctity of life
  • What are the arguments in favor of euthanasia?
    • Autonomy: Right to decide about death
    • Compassion: Merciful act in terminal illness
    • Utility: Alleviates economic burden of care
  • What is a significant ethical concern regarding euthanasia?
    It violates the sanctity of human life
  • What is the slippery slope argument in euthanasia?
    It could lead to devaluation of life
  • How does euthanasia affect healthcare providers?
    It undermines their role as healers
  • What do sources emphasize for end-of-life care?
    Providing palliative care and support
  • What is orthothanasia?
    Allowing natural death while providing comfort
  • Organ Donation
    means the giving of tissue/ organ/ body by a person to another person to an institution
  • Donor
    the given who may be a cadaver or a living person
  • Vendor
    a person who exchange their organ for money
  • Recipient
    the receiver of the organ given by the donor or institution; a recipient who pay the organ is a buyer
  • Organ Transplantation
    means the transfer of the planting across of organ from donor/ vendor to recipient/ buyer
  • Xenotransplantation
    planting of an organ from animal organ to human beings
  • Allotransplantation
    is the transplantation of the organ from one body to another body of the same species
  • Euthanasia
    means an action/omission which of itself or by intention causes death in order that suffering may be eliminated. It procures/ imposes death before one's time
  • Types of Euthanasia
    1. Voluntary Euthanasia
    2. Non Voluntary Euthanasia
    3. Involuntary Euthanasia
  • Dysthanasia
    is the delaying or postponing death beyond its natural time by all means available
    • Also known as bad death or prolonged dying
    • Extending the life of a terminally ill
  • Orthothanasia
    also known as passive euthanasia or natural death is a ethical concept and medical practice that involves allowing a terminally ill or suffering patient to die naturally, without aggressive medical interventions or life-sustaining treatement