idiographic and nomothetic

Cards (6)

  • idiographic; meaning private or personal, focuses on the individual as a meaning of understanding behaviour - doesn't generalise for wider population.
    • qualitative data
    • open-questioned interviews
    • unstructured questions and observations
  • nomothetic: needs to study whole groups of people to produce general laws - allows people to compare and predict behaviour
    • classify people into groups - Eyesnck, psychotic and neurotic OR attachment types, secure
    • principle of behaviour - conformity, obedience
    • conduct structured interviews
    • closed questions for large samples
    • quantitive data
  • nomothetic is REDUCTIONIST: reducing it down to basic units to provide a specific and generalised law for specific behaviours
    nomothetic is DETERMINISTIC: applied to large groups with larger generalised laws, cannot change predetermined behaviour within laws
  • evaluation of nomothetic approach:
    • scientific credibility, controlled environment within a lab, valid results that can be used
    • loss of an individual and meaning behind them, preoccupied with the general laws with fails to relate to experiences
  • evaluation of idiographic approach:
    • good starting point for generating further research
    • detail and depth, valid and accurate information
    • subjective, can only be applied to those with specific conditions such as OCD
  • idiographic; maslow's hierarchy of needs
    nomothetic; learning theory of attachment