ethical implications

Cards (8)

  • ethical implications: longterm consequences on a study and the participants involved
    • misinterpretation through media
    • influential for public policies
    • reflect on specific groups of people
  • Burt (1955): conducted research that suggested intelligence was hereditary, using concordance rates of twins - leading to introduction of 11+ score for entry to grammar school
    WEAKNESS: results were made up and fraudulent
  • socially sensitive: reseach can be considered controversial and affect specific people's beliefs
  • Sieber and Stanley (1988): potential consequences or implication either directly for pp's represented
  • Aronson (1999): psychologists should not shy away from the issues but have social responsibility to carry them out
  • what to consider when conducing research:
    • weigh up costs and benefits
    • effect on group in sample
    • is the research going to result in discrimination
    • be reflexive of own bias
    • are the findings accurate
  • issue within psychology:
    • historically, it holds implications that have long-term effects after research - Zimbardo only known for lack of ethics instead of research
    • role of media, research can be misunderstood and generalised
    • less likely to have research conducted and submitted
  • example; bowlby's maternal deprivation
    • positive impact; importance of mother figure shaping child's future
    • negative impact; doubt partenting and compare own methods, self-guilt