sexual selection: main aim is to reproduce and pass on genes
behaviour is biologically determined, innate and no conscious choice on how to behave
natural selection; survival of the fittest, we have adaptive traits that are passed on when we repreduce
human traits;
females, wide hips to survive childbirth
males, height and strength
INTRA sexual selection; within one sex there is mate competition, whciveer male wins can pass their genes down to the offspring - trait that helped them win is adaptive
deer antler fighting
bird singing/dancing
human reproduction strategies;
sneak copulation; less dominant male mates first to avoid competition with stronger dominant male
mate guarding; the female is fertile, male protects and guards her to ensure no one else can impregnate her
courtship rituals; men trying to seduce the female through dancing and singing
peacock theory; males have characterstics that attract females - more colourful and exaggerated tails
sexual dimorphism; sexes of the same specification have different characteristics
INTERsexual selection; between one sex, there are traits that increase attractiveness that attract opposing sex - females being more choosy
human traits;
female, good with kids and distinctive features - wide hips, younger
males, high earning jobs and masculinity
sexy sons theory; Fischer; females look for a male with good genes to pass down to have 'sexy sons'.
anisogamy; males have more sperm compared to female eggs.
sexual selection is consistent with anisogamy, difference between female and male sex cells
Clark and Hatfield (1989); sent female and male students around uni campus to ask opposite sexes if they wanted to sleep with them. no females agreed whereas 75% men said yes - supports to show women have limited eggs and are more choosy
Buss (1989); conducted a survey to ask evolutionary theory predicts are important in partner preferences - females placed value on financial statys whereas males placed value on physical attractivenss
lacks temporal validity, changing social norms as women are more independent and do not rely on men to provide resources
limited application to non-heterosexual relationships
alpha bias, exaggerated difference to assume men sleep around and women do not
doesn't consider that humans have free will and can make their own mating choices