Cards (4)

  • self-disclosure; gradually discussing information and secrets about yourself to others around you
    • family, siblings
    • personal opinions on politics or socially
    • past relationships
    • hobbies and interests
    • trauma
  • social penetration theory; Altman and Taylor (1973); gradual process of revealing your inner self to somebody, giving away deepest thoughts and feelings to involve breadth (little topics) and depth (high risk info)
    • high risk; passing of family member
    • low risk; birthday, fav food
    depenetration; when someone is unhappy and starts to withdrawal information
  • reciprocity; Reis and Shaver (1988); self-disclosure needs to be reciprocal to create a balance of self-disclosure which helps to increase feelings of intimacy
  • evaluation;
    • applicable to everyone, universalisation, everyone is capable of making conversation and being open to new information
    • applicable to same-sex relationships, as they can relate to similar topics
    • relationship therapy, helps couple to progress in their relationships - ecological validity
    • some people take longer to comprehend and react than others
    • third variable that affects attraction, or it could be because you are attracted you to disclose rather than self-disclosure causes attraction