giant covalent

Cards (4)

  • properties of graphite
    • soft
    • very high melting point
    • very high boiling point
    • insoluble in water
    • good electrical conductor
  • diamond properties
    • 3D giant lattice, millions of carbon atoms
    • each carbon has four strong covalent bonds in every direction
    • can't conduct electricity, no delocalised electrons, evert electron used in 4 bonds
    • has a high melting and boiling point as it would take a lot of energy to separate the bonds
  • graphite properties
    • sheets of hexagons, in a giant lattice, layers slide over each other
    • each carbon has three bonds forming flat layers of hexagons
    • does conduct electricity as it has one free electron per carbon can move throughout the structure and carry charge
    • high melting and boiling point as it takes a lot of energy to separate the bonds
  • silicon dioxide (giant covalent) properties?
    • less high boiling and melting point that graphite and diamond but still high, four covalent bonds but not to other carbons
    • in SiO2 every electron is taken up in covalent bonds, no delocalised electrons
    • strong covalent bonds join each siliconcatom to four oxygens, each silicon atom inside the structure is covalently bonded in a 3D arrangement