Multi store model describes memory to process info passively
multi store model is made up of sensory register, stm and ltm
multi store model was the first model of memory proposed by Atkinson and shiffrin
multi store model believe capacity of stm is 18-30 seconds
multi model believes info is codes acoustically in stm and semantically in ltm
multi store model believes the capacity of sensory register to be unlimited
info is transferred from sensory register to STM when we pay attention to our environment (the stimuli)
info is transferred from STM to LTM through prolonged rehearsal - when it is retrieved it is transferred back to STM
info can be kept in STM through maintenance rehearsal
sensory register:
duration = brief
capacity = very large
coding = modality specific
duration= 18-30 secs
capacity = 7+-2
coding= acoustic
duration= lifetime
capacity= unlimited
coding = semantic
patient kf provides opposing evidence for MSM - he had good recall of digits from STM when he read them but poor recall when they were read to him - suggests there may be multiple stem stores