Cards (6)

  • What are the 3 key concepts that explain consumer behaviour ?
  • How do schemas explain consumer behaviour?
    Schema incongruity - adverts try and challenge our schemas - try and get it to go against what we expect the advert to be - STAND OUT
  • How does priming explain consumer behaviour
    Direct attribution priming - Highlighting the features of the products - recall products when talking about the features - prime us to associate the product with the features

    Indirect attribute priming - highlighting context of the advert - recall product when thinking about advert context - prime us to associate product with good place - car adverts
  • How does biases explain consumer behaviour?
    Conformation bias - favour information that fits in with our beliefs - looking at the reviews when getting a product - good reviews confirms positive opinions on a product
    Brand loyalty - sticking with a brand even though there are better alternatives - sticking with apple
    Authority bias - giving more credibility to an authority - dentist advises you on a tooth brush - more likely to buy it
  • What are the strengths ?
    Support - north 2012 - When music is played while tasting wine it effected the characteristics people used to explain the taste
  • What are the weaknesses?
    Unethical - priming happens when we are not aware - primed to buy stuff - deception
    Findings are contradictory - some studies show priming and biases are effective some do not - problem with replication - not scientific