CONS economy

Cards (6)

  • Traditional, One Nation and Neo-conservatism
    • Value private property
    • Intervention in the economy for pragmatic + paternalistic reasons only
    • Capitalism leads to economic inequality keeping to the idea of a hierarchical nature of society.
    • Taxation should fund state intervention.
    • Ambivalent attitude towards the economy, concerned that a completely laissez-faire economy leaves no room for paternalistic support for the poor/needy.
  • Traditional
    • Some favour a protectionist economy, protecting domestic industries from foreign competition by tariffs.
  • Traditional
    • Burke -> supported free-market economists like Adam Smith, free market the natural state of the market
    • Hobbes -> economic activity only possible due to the state
    • Oakeshott -> free market the natural state of the market. Pragmatic intervention
  • One Nation
    • expanded paternalism to justify social welfare as a moral duty for the poor
    • Advocates for greater state intervention to prevent revolution
  • Neo-liberals
    • Believe in laissez-faire free market economics + want to roll back state involvement
    • Radical -> favour abolishing welfare states, deregulating and privatising all services, curtailing the power of obstructive bodies to the free market e.g. trade unions
  • Neo-liberals
    • Rand and Nozick -> free market capitalism with no state regulation, privatised and deregulated economy