Minority influence

Cards (13)

  • Minority Influence
    Where a smaller group can change the beliefs and behaviours of a majority group.
  • Consistency
    Be consistent over time either by synchronic consistency (getting influence from the start) or diachronic consistency (getting influence over some time).
  • Commitment
    Show extreme action - augmentation or stick to your ideas.
  • Flexibility
    Adapting your idea may allow more people to be influenced; rigidity may hinder influence.
  • Moscovici Study
    A study where 6 people viewed 36 slides of blue, with 2 confederates consistently saying every slide was green.
  • Consistent Minority
    People in the consistent minority were more likely able to get the group to say the slides were green rather than blue.
  • Inconsistent Minority
    1% conformity in the inconsistent minority group.
  • Consistent Minority
    8% conformity in the Consistent minority group.
  • Research Support for Consistency
    Wendy Wood looked at 100 similar studies to the Moscovici study and found similar results.
  • Artificial Tasks
    The tasks in the study aren't reflective of real-life actions, such as a jury sentencing someone to life.
  • Lack of Mundane Realism
    Due to outcomes being irrelevant, people may agree just to stop arguments/discussion.
  • Low Agreement
    Only 8% agreement from Moscovici's study.
  • Power of Minority Influence
    Likely caused by silent agreement; not enough people agreeing to be relevant.