Laughing gas- discovered in 1799 by Sir Davy, the patients kept moving as they were not fully numb
Ether- discovered in 1846 by Robert Liston, it was flammable, caused eyes to bleed
Chloroform- discovered in 1847 by Simpson, Hannah Greener overdosed on it after having it for her ingrown toenail
Shows very little knowledge of dosages
Aseptic Surgery and Carbolic Spray-
In the 1860s Joseph Lister used carbolic spray on tools, bandages, and clothing which prevented bacteria and infection
He used it on Jamie Greenlees who had an open wound fracture yet did not die of infection
Proving that it did in fact work
Germy Theory-
In 1861 Louis Pasteur conducted the swan neck flask experiment
When no air could reach the wine in the flask it was good
However when he broke the top of the flask the wine became acidic (vinegar)
Proving germs cause disease
Disproving spontaneous generation
In 1876 Robert Koch found out which microbes cause which diseases, he stained growing microbes purple and developed vaccines for tuberculosis and anthrax.
Joseph Lister used germ theory as a basis for carbolic spray
There was a rivalry between Pasteur and Koch due to the Franco-Prussian War so they were always trying to outdo the other
In 1854 John Snow was alarmed by the volume of people dying on Broad street from cholera.
He found that sewage was leaking into the water pump
So he removed the handle and found that people stopped dying
However Snow didn't have any scientific proof
1st Public Health Act-
In 1842 Edwin Chadwick reported that poor health is directly correlated with poor living conditions
In 1848 he passed the first public health act, Chadwick was the head of the board of health, where local councils could now employ medical officers
However, these measures were not compulsory
The Great Stink-
Litter in the Thames caused an awful smell
Houses of Parliament were evacuated due to smell
Joseph Bazalgette given £3million to build sewers
Only effective for rich as they had toilets
Marks the end of Lassiez-Faire
2nd Public Health Act-
Sanitation Act
Homeowners must take care of homes
Ministers of health are now compulsary
The smallpox vaccine was made compulsory in 1853
Quacks -fake doctors- selling dodgy potions
1854- Snow breaks broadstreet pump to stop spread of Cholera. However he couldn’t explain why it stopped the spread due to germ theory not being discovered.