topic 1

Cards (11)

  • fluid: anything that has no fixed shape (takes the shape of the container it’s in) and can flow. liquid or gas
  • slurry: mixtures of water and solid. ex. water slide, toilet with poop
  • slurry technology: used to transport solids using liquids. ex. oil sand pumped to a refinery, toilet flushing
  • fluids are easy to move: glass and steel take the shape of there containers, they can be molded or mixed into any shape
  • fluids can hold solids: toothpaste can hold powdered materials, binders keep the pulp mixed
    • Hazard Symbol; has a safety warning and a shape to indicate how hazardous the material is
  • A hazard Symbol has 2 important components:
    • Shape
    • image reflecting Type of Hazard
  • Shape:
    • Yellow Triangle = “Caution”
    • Orange Diamond = “Warning”
    • Red Octagon = “Danger”
  • WHMIS is there to protect the health and safety of workers by promoting access to information on hazardous materials used in the workplace
  • Hazard Symbols are in place to protect and warn the general public about products they might be exposed to
  • Fluids are useful because they make it easier to transport, process, and use different kinds of materials (even solids)