Based on the unconscious and operates on the mind and direct human behaviour and experience
Issues with the superego linked to offending
The superego is usually formed at the end of the phallic stage of development after resolving the Oedipus or Electra complex
If the Superego is deficient then offending behaviour is inevitable because the ID is not properly controlled
What are the 3 types of inadequatesuperegos identified?
Weak superego
Deviant superego
The over-harsh superego
Weak Superego
Same sex parent is absent during the phallic stage
Child cannot internalise a fully formed superego as there is no opportunity for identification
Makes offending behaviour more likely
Deviant Superego
The superego the child internalises has immoral values
Leads them to committing crimes
If a boy is raised by a criminalfather then they are also likely to become a criminal
The over-harsh superego
A healthy superego is based on identification with a parent who has firm rules but forgives mistakes
An overly harsh parenting style leads to an overly-harsh superego who experiences guilt and anxiety
Drives the person to commit crimes to satisfy the superego's need for punishment
Theory of Maternal Deprivation
Forming meaningful relationships in adulthood is dependent upon the child forming a relationship with their primary caregiver within the critical period
Failure to do this has damaging consequences
One consequence is developing affectionless psychopathy where you have a lack of guilt and empathy for others
They are likely to engage in delinquent behaviour
Bowlby's44Juvenile Thieves Study
Compared 44 juveniles with a control group
Did interviews with thieves and families
In the juvenile group 14 showed affectionless psychopathy with 12 of them experiencing early separation
In the control group only 2 experienced early separation but none had affectionless psychopathy
AO3 Psychodynamic: Research Support
Freudian style analysis of 10 offenders referred to psychiatric treatment
Disturbance in superego formation were identified in all of them
Each offender experienced guilt and need for self punishment
Support for the over-harsh superego where the need to be punished by superego is fulfilled by the desire to commit crimes
AO3 Psychodynamic: Gender Bias
Freud's theory suggests that girls develop a weaker superego due to not experiencing castration anxiety
This would then suggest women would be more prone to offending behaviour than males
In the UK there are 20 times more men than women in prisons
The gender bias makes Freud's Theory difficult to generalise
AO3 Psychodynamic: Real World Application
Theories on the link between early childhood experiences and later criminality can be applied to reduce crime
Freud's ideas can be used to ensure superegos are not under or overdeveloped with parenting classes
The idea of maternal deprivation is taken into consideration in adoption care
AO3 Psychodynamic: Issues with Bowlby'sstudy
Bowlby carried out the interviews himself so may suffer from researcher bias
The data is correlational as we cannot assume the maternal deprivation is causing the affectionless psychopathy