Investment model

Cards (6)

  • Rusbult; if you are profitable, you are more satisfied meaning a longer-lasting relationship. But to remain in this, you must be committed
  • intrinsic investment; direct things you put into a relationship; money, time, effort, emotions
  • extrinsic investments; things you receive because of a relationship; children, house, memories
  • Investment size increases dependent on how long you spend in the relationship, showing more commitment
  • maintenance strategies; show willingness to sacrifice rewards
    • paint them in a negative way, ridicule alternatives
    • positive illusions
    • blame them
  • evaluation;
    • ecological validity for all couples, provide an explanation to why people do and dont commit in both types of couples
    • meta analysis from Le and Agnew, 52 studies, found that satisfaction, comparison and investment size were all predicted with relationship commitment
    • holistic theory
    • understands humans have irrational decision-making, when dissatisfied we still commit
    • Le and Agnew, correlational research, invest to commit or be committed and then invest
    • investment model fails to consider ideas of future investments, doesn't consider complexity