the scientific method is a series of steps used in an investigation that strives to answer questions and explain the world around us
a hypothesis is a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested
data is the information gathered during a scientific investigation
a scientific theory is a well established explanation that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed in many different ways and usually over long periods of time
a scientific law or principle is a statement based on repeated experimental observations that describes what has been observed
a control experiment is carried out as a comparison to the test experiment, as a standard against which the actual experiment is judged . It is identical to the test experiment but without the variable that is being tested
the continuity of life means that living things arise from other living things
metabolism refers to the sun of all chemical reactions that occur in the cells of an organism
organisation refers to living things being made of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems
nutrition is the intake and use of energy and materials from the environment
excretion is the removal of waste products of metabolism from the body of an organism
response is the ability of an organism to react to changes (stimuli) both inside and outside of their bodies
reproduction is the ability of an organism to produce new individuals of its own kind to ensure a species survive
biology is the study of living things
a balanced diet is one which contains the right amount of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and water
biomolecules are chemicals made by an organism
ecology is the study of how organisms interact with each other and with their environment
a habitat is the place where an organism lives
an ecosystem comprises the interacting living and non-living components of a particular area
the biosphere is the part of the earth inhabited by living organisms
all of the organism of the same species in the same habitat or area are called a population
a community contains all of the different populations living in the same habitat or area
abiotic factors are external influences by non-living components
biotic factors are external influences by living things
edaphic factors are soil features that influence the growth of plants or animals
climatic factors are influences of prevailing weather conditions on living organisms in the ecosystem
aquatic factors are items of environmental information relating to aquatic habitats
a producer is an organism that makes its own food, also called an autotroph
a consumer is an organism that can’t make its own food, also called a heterotroph
a food chain is a series of organisms in which one organism is eaten by the next
the trophic level of an organism is its position in the food chain
a food web is a series of interconnecting food chains
a pyramid of numbers is a chart showing the number of organisms at each trophic level in a food chain
a food niche is what an organism eats and what its eaten by in a food chain
the ecological niche of an organism is its functional role in the community
competition is the struggle between organisms for limited resources. competition can take place within the same species or between different species
intraspecificcompetition is the struggle for limited resources between organisms of the same species
interspecificcompetition is the struggle for limited resources between members of different species
scramble competition is the struggle for limited resources whereby each organism gets some of the resource
contest competition there is direct conflict for limited resources between two individuals whereby only one is successful in gaining f the resource