A strength for situational explanations is researchsupport for the role of the agenticstate in obedience.
For instance, in Milgram’s studies, participantshesitated to giveshocks and questioned who was responsible for harming the learner.
When the experimenter took responsibility, participants were relieved of accountability and more willing to followorders, demonstrating the shift to an agenticstate.
This supports the idea that obedienceincreases when individuals see themselves as acting on behalf of an authorityfigure.
A limitation of situational variables is that obedience levels vary across cultures, reflecting differentsocietalattitudes toward authority.
For example, Kilham and Mann found only 16% of Australianwomenadministered the maximum450volts in a Milgramreplication, compared to 85% of Germanparticipants in Mantell’s study.
These differences suggest culturalcontextsshaperesponses to authority, such as hierarchicalsocietalstructures in Germany versus Australia'sindividualism, denyingsituationalexplanations of obedience universality
Another limitation is that they cannotaccount for allsituations where individualsresistauthority.
For example, Rank and Jacobson found that nurses often refused a doctor'sorders to administer an excessivedrugdose, despite the doctor being an authorityfigure.
This suggests that the agenticshift is notalwaysapplicable, and that moralconscience can overridedestructiveauthority when ethicalconcerns are clear.
This highlights the influence of individualdifferences which situationalexplanations may notfullyaddress, challenging their universality.