School Age and Adolescent

Cards (32)

  • What is the age range for school age children?
    6-12 years old
  • What is the primary task of school-age children?
    To develop industry
  • What must be developed before industry in school-age children?
    Autonomy, trust, independence, self-confidence
  • What stage follows the phallic stage in development?
    Latency stage
  • What is the focus of the latency stage?
    Acquisition of knowledge/information
  • Who are significant persons for school-age children?
    Peers and teachers
  • How deep is friendship among peers in school age?
    Not very deep but age-appropriate
  • What type of moral development occurs during school age?
    Conventional moral development
  • What do school-age children start to question?
    Their parents or family
  • What does modesty refer to in school-age children?
    Refinement in words and actions
  • What is the nature of death as understood by school-age children?
  • What can lead to a loss of self-control in school-age children?
    Competitive environment
  • How can sportsmanship be taught to school-age children?
    By teaching them to handle competition
  • What should be avoided when dealing with school-age children?
    Over-pushing the child
  • What question should teachers frequently ask school-age children?
    "How" since they are procedural learners
  • How can teachers impact school-age children's feelings of inferiority?
    By being a source of fear
  • What subjects are taught by teachers to school-age children?
    • GMRC
    • ESP
    • Homeroom guidance
    • Values Education
  • What is school phobia in school-age children?
    Fear of attending school for the first time
  • How can school phobia be addressed?
    By making the child attend school daily
  • What should be suspected if a child refuses to attend school after weeks?
  • What are latchkey children?
    Children with their own house key
  • What risks do latchkey children face?
    Exposure to gambling, drugs, predators
  • What is the age range for adolescence?
    12-18 years old
  • What are significant persons during adolescence?
    Peer groups
  • What is a major concern for adolescents regarding their bodies?
    Acceptance of bodily changes
  • What conflict do adolescents face related to identity?
    Role confusion or diffusion
  • What fear do adolescents have regarding peer groups?
    Fear of rejection or separation
  • What aspect of privacy is a concern for adolescents?
    Personal, physical, and emotional aspects
  • What does Freud refer to the adolescent stage as?
    Under-genital age
  • What should be taught regarding sex education for adolescents?
    Depending on the cognitive level
  • What type of moral development occurs during adolescence?
    Post-conventional moral development
  • What do adolescents develop regarding their moral standards?
    Respect and tolerance