cell microscopy

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  • light Microscopy (optical microscopy): cells are transparent and so a stain is needed for contrast. Also sections must be thin enough to allow light to penetrate.
  • Transmission electron microscope – electrons transmit through the sample – light/dark areas show the density of the region
  • strength of using a transmission electron microscope - High resolution images due to electrons having a short wavelength , allowing you to see small structures
  • limitation of using a transmission electron microscope - it must be performed in a vacuum, so the specimen must be dead
  • scanning electron microscope - beam transmits across the sample electrons are captured by a cathode ray tube can be used to create an image of a specimen.
  • strength of scanning electron microscope - can produce 3D images of a specimen. Because it scans the surface of a specimen and captures all the textures of the specimen’s surface.
  • limitation of scanning electron microscope -  has a lower resolution. Compared to TEM, the SEM provides lower resolution images.
  •  resolution is the ability to distinguish between 2 points that are close together