Cards (5)

  • What are they key concepts of the social approach that explain aggression?
    Operant conditioning - reinforcement
    Social learning theory
  • How does operant conditioning?
    Time of reinforcement - Variable interval reinforcement - reinforcement may not happen every single time - so you carry on with the aggressive behaviour till you get reinforced - cycle
    Type of reinforcement - tangible and intangible -
    Tangible - physical reward - Money or food
    Intangible - Feelings and social status
    Commit aggressive behaviour to gain these rewards
  • How does the social learning theory?
    Observing aggressive behaviour via media or social environment - imitate as it is seen as socially acceptable
    Vicarious learning - second had reinforcement - overserving others reinforcement for their aggressive behaviour - you do it to to get the reward
  • What are the strengths?
    Reduce aggressive behaviour - policy makers - create programmes based on reinforcement - mentoring
    Explanation of how children learn aggression - observing, imitating and vicarious reinforcement - training grounds for aggressive behaviour
  • What are the weaknesses?
    Doesn't explain hostile aggression -impulsive - get punishment but don't take it so carry on behaviour - better explanations through different approaches