Cards (10)

  • Ethical issues
    Ethical requirements for research, as set down by the BPS in the UK.
  • BPS
    British Psychological Society; governs research in the UK.
  • consent
    All participants to give written, signed, informed consent. Those under 16 are not able to- parent gives consent and child gives assent (simple agreement).
  • debrief
    After the study has ended, participants are told the true aim of the study and reasons for deception (if any) and are able to raise any concerns they may have.
  • Confidentiality and privacy
    All personal details of participants are to be kept confidential, no identifying information should be published. Privacy should not be breached.
  • deception
    Participants should not be deceived as to the purpose of the experiment; in practice many studies use deception or the study would not be valid due to demand characteristics.
  • right to withdraw
    All participants must be told of their right to withdraw at any time and that there will be no negative consequences for the participant in doing do.
  • protection from harm
    Participants must be protected from physical and psychological harm.
  • assent
    Given by children under the age of 16 alongside parental consent. Simple agreement to take part in the study, can be withdrawn at any time.
  • participant
    Person taking part in a research study.