Table Development

Cards (65)

  • What is the age range for infants?
    0-1 year
  • What is the psychosocial stage for toddlers according to Erikson?
    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
  • How is trust developed in infants?
    If needs are met
  • What should be allowed for toddlers to foster autonomy?
    Allow the toddler to make simple decisions
  • What is the primary source of pleasure in Freud's oral stage?
    Center of pleasure: mouth
  • What is the major conflict during the anal stage according to Freud?
    Toilet training
  • What is a principle of toilet training?
    Consistency, firmness but not strictness
  • What is the center of pleasure during the phallic stage?
    Child's genital
  • What is the focus of energy during the latency stage?
    Physical & intellectual activities
  • What is the main focus during the genital stage?
    Full sexual maturity & function
  • What is the first stage of cognitive development according to Piaget?
  • What is the pre-conventional stage 1 in Kohlberg's moral development?
  • Who is the most significant person for infants?
    Primary Care Giver
  • What type of play is typical for infants?
  • What is a common source of fear for toddlers?
    Separation Anxiety
  • What is the language vocabulary for infants at 10 months?
    “Mama” and “Dada”
  • What is the theme for toddlers in development?
    “Holding on and letting go.”
  • What is the first stage of faith according to James Fowler?
    Primal or Undifferentiated faith
  • What is the sleep requirement for infants?
    17-18 hours
  • What is a common accident for toddlers?
  • What is the approach in discipline for toddlers?
    Time out
  • What is the caloric requirement for infants?
    1,200 cal/day
  • What is the first developmental milestone for infants at 1 month?
    Lifts head for short period
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 6-month-old?
    Doubles birth weight
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 12-month-old?
    Triples birth weight
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 3-year-old?
    Begins to stand on 1 foot
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 5-year-old?
    Jumps rope
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 7-year-old?
    Rides bicycle well
  • What is the developmental milestone for an 11-year-old?
    Develops interest in the opposite sex
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 4-year-old?
    Hops on 1 foot
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 9-month-old?
    Pulls self to sitting position
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 10-month-old?
    Pulls self to standing position
  • What is the developmental milestone for an 8-month-old?
    Stranger anxiety peaks
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 30-month-old?
    Walks on tiptoe
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 6-year-old?
    Starts to ride a bicycle
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 12-month-old regarding vocabulary?
    Vocalizes 4-5 words
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 5-year-old regarding drawing?
    Draws a person with 6 parts
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 4-year-old regarding counting?
    Counts to 5
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 7-year-old regarding drawing?
    Draws person with 16 parts
  • What is the developmental milestone for a 9-10-year-old regarding vision?
    Normal 20/20 vision