Unit Test Ecology study Guide

Cards (34)

  • Sequence of Energy flow in food chains/webs
    Autotrophs > Herbivores > Carnivores > Carnivores
  • Rule of 10
    As we move through trophic levels, only 10% of the energy from one level is transferred to the next
  • Energy Pyramid
    Measures the energy level from one trophic level to the next
    Cannot be inverted due to the rule of 10
  • Adaptations
    Structures, behaviours, or physiology processes that help an organism survive and reproduce in their enviroment
  • Variation
    Visible in invisible difference between individuals
  • Natural selection
    Nature decides what characteristics are favourable and which ones are not
    Proposed by Charles Darwin
  • order of taxonomy Domain
    1. Domain
    2. Kingdom
    3. Phyla
    4. Class Order
    5. Family
    6. Genus
    7. Species
    8. Sub Species
  • Mutation and Variation - how it effects us if there is a mutation
    Features that served our ancestors that we no longer need/ use go away but are still in our DNA
  • Examples of Ecosystems
    The living community together with the non-living environment
    Can be large - river
    Can be small - log in a forest
  • Carbon and Oxygen Cycle - Human interference

    We increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere via pollution = high amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere = global climate change
  • Sulfur Cycle - Human Impact 

    We increase amount of sulfur compound in the air, making precipitation acidic
    Low soil pH = Impact on plants
    Low pH of H2O = impact on marine ecosystems
  • Phosphorus Cycle - Human Interference
    We add excess phosphorus into lakes and rivers = increases amount available to algae which causes algae bloom
    The bed of algae prevent sunlight from penetrating H2O = algae die and decomposers become active
    Decomposers consume O2 = fish die
  • Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
    Turn N2 into NH4 (soil)- also known as nitrogen fixation
  • Parasitism
    When an organisms benefits at the expense of the other
  • Analogous
    Structures that have a shared purpose but different element (not related)
    Ex. Bats wings vs. Bees wing
  • Homologous
    Shared structural elements are evidence of common ancestors
    Ex. Humans arms and bones in a bats wings
  • Albedo
    The reflectivity of a surface
    High albedo = high reflectivity
  • Rapid cycling
    Relitively quicker
    Materials returned to cycles via:
    Waste deposition
    Cellular respiration
  • Slow Cycling
    Much slower
    Materials returned to cycles via:
    burning fossil fuels
    Volcanic eruptions
    Geological uplifting
  • Buffon
    Proposed the idea of ancestral forms
  • Cuvier
    Creator of the study of fossil to develop an understanding of ancient/ancestral species
    Older Fossil found deeper in the rock)
  • Lyell
    The process that are at work today must have occurred the same way million of years ago
  • Linnaeus
    Different genus and different families, or orders
  • Lamark
    Proposed that species evolved from ancestors but they change because of inheritance of acquired characteristics
  • Darwin
    Present life forms are descendants of a common ancestor that have been modified over time (natural selection)
  • Paleontology
    Study of fossil to develop an understanding of ancient/ ancestral species
    Older fossil are found deeper in the rock (Strata)
    Proposed by Cuvier
  • Biosphere
    Narrow area around the globe that can support life, 10km in the atmosphere and 10km down in ocean
  • Atmosphere
    All the gases
  • Hydrosphere
    all the water (liquid and solid)
  • lithosphere (aka geosphere)
    All the soil and rock
  • Order of scientist from earliest to latest
    1. Duffon
    2. Cavire
    3. Lyell
    4. Linaues
    5. Lemark
    6. Darwin
  • System
    A set of parts that al function together to perform a task
  • Open System
    Allows both energy and matter to enter and exit freely
    Ex. Forest
  • Closed System
    Energy can com win and out freely but matter is finite and must be recycled
    Ex. Earth