Minority Influence

Cards (16)

  • What is minority influence?
    A form of social influence by a minority
  • How does consistency affect minority influence?
    It attracts interest if maintained over time
  • What are the two types of consistency in minority influence?
    • Synchronic consistency: Same view at the same time
    • Diachronic consistency: Same view over time
  • What does consistency suggest about the minority's view?
    It suggests they believe their view is correct
  • How does commitment influence minority influence?
    It shows importance and requires deep thought
  • What is the augmentation principle?
    Engaging in extreme actions to draw attention
  • Why is flexibility important in minority influence?
    It prevents perception as extremist and encourages engagement
  • What is the Snowball Effect in minority influence?
    Process leading to faster conversion from majority to minority
  • What was the procedure in the blue-green slides study by Moscovici et al.?
    • Group of six viewed 36 blue slides
    • Two confederates consistently said slides were green
  • What was the result when participants were exposed to consistent confederates?
    True participants agreed 8.42% of trials
  • What happened when participants were exposed to inconsistent confederates?
    Agreement with 'green' fell to 1.25%
  • What does the study by Moscovici et al. suggest about consistency and conformity?
    Consistency affects conformity and alters majority views
  • (A)PFC - Blue-green slides study (Moscovici et al)
    P - Group asked to state whether slides were blue or green
    • Each group had two confederates who consistently said the slides were green
    F - True participants gave the same wrong answer as confederates on 8.42% of trials
    P - Second group of participants was exposed to an inconsistent minority (confederates said green 24/36 times
    F - Agreement with answer ‘green’ fell to 1.25%
    C - Suggests consistency affects conformity and if a minority remains consistent they can alter a majority view
  • Minority Influence AO3 - Research support for deeper processing
    • Martin measured participant’s views on euthanasia
    • Exposed them to agreeing view from either a majority or minority view
    • Participants exposed to the minority view less likely to change their view on the subject but spent more time thinking about it
    • Demonstrates that the minority message had to be more deeply processed and had more of an enduring effect
  • Minority Influence AO3 - Counterpoint for deeper processing
    • Martin’s study had clear majority/minority which are not relatable to real world research
    • Majorities often have great power and status, whereas minorities face oppression
    • These are absent from research, meaning that findings are not representative of true life
  • Minority Influence AO3 - Artificial tasks
    • Moscovici’s task was mundane and lacked realism as in the real world people are not often questioned about the colour of slides
    • Often in reality minorities attempt to influence the majority about huge issues surrounding religion, race and gender, sometimes with a “life or death” impact
    • Research lacks this, which reduces external validity of findings