
Cards (4)

    1. phosphorylation of glucose 

    • ATP hydrolysed making ADP and Pi. Pi added to glucose to make hexose monophosphate
    • another ATP hydrolysed. Pi added to glucose to make hexose biphosphate
    • One phosphate group at C1 and another at C6
    • energy from hydrolysed ATP activates the hexose and prevents it leaving the cell
  • 2. splitting the hexose biphosphate
    • hexose biphosphate splits into 2 3C molecules called triose phosphate, each with a phosphate attached
  • 3. oxidation of triose phosphate to pyruvate
    • anaerobic
    • oxidation because atoms removed from triose phosphate using dehydrogenase enzymes and coenzyme NAD
    • 2 NADs accept hydrogen atoms and become reduced
    • 4 molecules of ATP made
  • glycolysis produces 2 molecules of pyruvate, 2 molecules of ATP (net) and 2 molecules of reduced NAD