When you just go along with what others are doing. It’s simply to fit in with a group and once away from the group, opinions and behaviours will be back to ‘normal’.
Example of Compliance:
Laughing at a joke you didn’t find funny.
Is Compliance temporary or permanent?
Is Compliance public or private?
What is Identification?
A person conforms to the behaviours of a group because there is something they value about the group.
Example of Identification:
Football team.
Is Identification public or private?
Public - we identify with a group and change our behaviours publicly to be part of the group. Can be private as there is a change in beliefs too.
Is Identification temporary or permanent?
Typically temporary whilst in presence of the group.
What is Internalisation?
When a person genuinely believes and accepts the group norm. Behaviour and beliefs are present even when not with the group.