Long term memory

Cards (6)

  • Who proposed that the MSM's veiw of LTM was too simplistic and inflexible?
    Tulving (1985) a cognitive psychologist proposed that there are three stores within the LTM containing different types of information.
    1. Episodic memory
    2. Semantic memory
    3. Procedural memory
  • Explain Episodic memory. 

    Our ability to recall events from our lives, these memories are complex as they are 'time-stamped' meaning you remember when they happened.
    This memory will also include people and places, objects and behaviors.
  • Explain Semantic memory.

    Our shared knowledge of the world. e.g. What an orange tastes like.
    It also contains numerous concepts such as love and the concept of animals.
    These memories are not 'time-stamped' as the memories are more facts than experiences.
    According to Tulving (1985) it is less vulnerable to distortion and forgetting than episodic memory.
  • Explain Procedural memory
    Memory for actions or skills, we can recall these memories without conscious awareness or effort.
  • Strengths of LTM.

    Case studies of HM and Clive wearing.
    Episodic memory in both men was severely impaired, but their semantic and procedural memories were unaffected.
    The study has real-world application, as it could help people with memory problems. As people age they tend to loose mainly their episodic memory.
  • Limitations of LTM.

    Studying people with brain injuries lacks control of variables, and the researcher is unaware of how the patient was before the injury.
    Buckner & Petersen (1996) reviewed evidence on the location of episodic and semantic memory, which cofounds with other findings of the location of these stores by Tulving et al (1994)