Cards (6)

  • What are the 3 key concepts that explain consumer behaviour?
    Classical conditioning
    Operant conditioning
    Social learning theory
  • How does classical conditioning explain consumer behaviour?
    associations - paring a brand with positive feelings are thoughts
    Repetition - creates the response that the brand wants from the customer - Conditioned response
  • How does operant conditioning explain consumer behaviour?
    Reinforcements - Pleasurable reward for consumer behaviour
    BOGOF - Feel like you are getting a bargain - rewarded - so buy again
    Loyalty points - get a physical reward form gaining points from buying brand items - buy more to get more rewards
  • How does the social learning theory explain consumer behaviour?
    Modelling and imitation - Observing someone's behaviour - you do it to - observe someone buying something - so do you
    Vicarious reinforcement - Second hand reinforcement - observing someone enjoying a product - you get that too
    Observing someone getting a free gift while getting a product - you get the product too
    CELEBS in ads - Imitate their behaviour because you admire them - see your self as like them
  • What are the strengths ?
    Classical conditioning evidence - toothpaste associated with a positive image - more positive reactions to the product - more people buy it - more advertisement - more people buy it - association with good reviews
  • What are the weaknesses?
    Conditioning doesn't explain central role of cognitive factors - brand associated with positive images - everyone is THINKING this - cognitive - incomplete explanation
    Conditioning is usually done in labs - real world and media influences are messier - real life is in less controlled conditions - weaker effects of conditioning